Welcome Assoc. Prof. Rui Jing, Xiamen University, China to be the TPC!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Rui Jing, Xiamen University, China to be the TPC!



Assoc. Prof. Rui Jing, Xiamen University, China

景锐 副教授,厦门大学

Dr. Rui Jing is an Associate Professor in College of Energy, Xiamen University. His research focuses on multi-energy system modelling and optimization, climate resilience energy systems, and demand-side management. He is an editorial member for journal of Applied Energy, Advances in Applied Energy, Carbon Neutrality, China Power. He is involved in many huge research projects funded by NSFC, CAS, EPSRC, and UKRI. He also has consultancy experience in enterprise energy management projects for APPLE, HSBC, and MGM, as well as providing policy-making support for government. So far, he has authored/co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications in international journals, book chapters and proceedings with citations of 1300 and a H-index of 19.

景锐,厦门大学能源学院副教授,博士生导师,入选厦门大学“南强青年拔尖人才计划”、“福建省高层次人才”、“厦门市高层次留学人才”;从事综合能源系统建模优化、电力需求侧管理、能源系统气候韧性等领域研究;任《Appl. Energy》、《Adv. in Appli. Energy》、《Carbon Neutrality》、《中国电力》青年编委,任福建省电机工程学会新能源专委会主任;主持/参与国家电网委托需求侧管理项目、厦门大学校长基金项目、中科院国际合作、国家自然科学基金、英国EPSRC/UKRI等科研课题,省市级碳排放清单与双碳路径政府委托课题,全国多地零碳园区能源规划项目,并具有10余个上市公司能源审计与能源管理项目的实践经验;发表高水平论文50余篇,参与中英文编著6本,引用超1300次,H-index为19。