Welcome Prof. Jizhong Zhu, South China University of Technology, USA to be the Conference Chair!
Welcome Prof. Jizhong Zhu, South China University of Technology, USA to be the Conference Chair!



Prof. Jizhong Zhu, South China University of Technology, USA(IEEE/IET/CSEE Fellow)


Jizhong Zhu is a Professor of South China University of Technology, and National Distinguished Expert. He is an IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, CSEE Fellow, Chair of IEEE PES Smart Building, Loads, Customer Systems Technical Committee (China), Chair of IEEE Standard IEEE P2781 - Load Modeling and Simulation for Power Systems, Chair of IEEE Standard IEEE P2783 – Quick Response System, IEEE SMC Technical Committee member on Intelligent Power and Energy Systems. He is also an Expert of International Electrotechnical Commission WGs IEC SEG6, IEC TC22 AHG1, IEC TC22 AHG2, respectively. Dr. Zhu has worked at ALSTOM Grid Inc. in Washington State, Howard University in Washington, D.C., the National University of Singapore, Brunel University in England, Chongqing University in China, and China Southern Power Grid. He was a Fellow with ALSTOM Grid Inc., and an honorable advisory professor of Chongqing University. He has hosted and participated in more than 20 international large-scale power engineering projects, as well as led and participated in the compilation and formulation of 6 IEC and IEEE international standards. He has published six books, as well as over three hundred papers in the international journals and conferences. He has authorized more than 20 national patents and won more than 10 international and domestic academic awards. His research interest is in the analysis, operation, planning and control of power systems, integrated energy systems, smart grid, power markets as well as applications of renewable energy.

朱继忠现任华南理工大学教授,国家海外高层次引进人才,曾任阿尔斯通集团公司高级首席工程师、院士级专家。分别于1985年7月、1987年8月、1990年2月毕业于重庆大学电气工程学院获学士、硕士和博士学位。90年代初28岁晋升重庆大学教授,1994年被英国皇家学会和中国科协评选为中国杰出青年科学家,获英国皇家学会研究员奖,第五届霍英东全国高校青年教师研究奖,第二届四川青年科技奖,首届重庆市优秀青年教师,1992-1995年期间先后获国家教委和四川省部省级科技进步奖5项,1996年初第一次回国被选为全国八五期间先进个人和全国优秀留学回国人员代表,2019年获中国南方电网科技进步奖特等奖和三等奖各一项。2016年当选IET Fellow(英国工程技术学会会士),2020年5月当选中国电机工程学会外籍会士,2020年11月当选IEEE Fellow(国际电气与电子工程师学会会士);担任IEEE PES智能楼宇、负载及客户系统技术委员会(中国)主席,MPCE等国际期刊编委,IEEE P2781和P2783两个标准工作组主席,IEEE SMC标准委员会委员和IEEE SMC智能电力与能源系统专委会委员,全国电力需求侧管理标委会委员,曾任首届全国创新争先奖评审委员会委员等。先后在英国、新加坡和美国工作20余年,2016年初全职回国后先后在南方电网科学研究院和华南理工大学工作,负责全国第一个电力现货市场运行与开发的平台建设,担任国家发改委和国家能源局专家,参与中国电力现货市场功能规范编制工作;在华南理工大学创建综合智慧能源系统优化运行与控制研究团队。