Welcome Assoc. Prof. Linni Jian, South University of Science and Technology of China to be the TPC!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Linni Jian, South University of Science and Technology of China to be the TPC!



Assoc. Prof. Linni Jian, South University of Science and Technology of China


Dr, Jian's research work focuses on electric drive technology for electric vehicles, energy interaction technology between electric vehicles and smart grids, industry policy and promotion strategy for electric vehicles. He has published over 100 academic papers which have been cited for 3650 times. He also published two monographs. He holds 2 PCT patents and 10 Chinese patents. He is the director of Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Electric Direct Drive Technology. Dr. Jian has been awarded the Guangdong research grant for distinguished young scholars, Guangdong excellent young teacher award, Guangdong outstanding young talent for S&T innovation, Shenzhen high-caliber overseas talent award and Shenzhen Nanshan high-level talent. He is the principle investigator of 3 NSFC research programs, two of which won excellent grade.
